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Handmade wire earrings with raw rose quartz crystals.


Wearing crystals is a very beneficial way for your body to absorb the energy that crystals hold. Each earring is uniquely handcrafted, the earring hooks are handmade with local materials. Each earring is crafted with the utmost care and I pick each crystal through my own intuition. I wire-bend each earring, cleanse all my crystals, and charge them under the energy of the full moon. I use high quality materials and intuitively pick each crystal for every customer in my designs.


Rose Quartz Benefits

Rose Quartz has many applications and benefits. Keeping the vibration of love high, wherever you are, benefits everyone around you. It also benefits the environment by neutralizing harmful electromagnetic frequencies from domestic appliances, phones, and computers. This allows the crystal to access Divine love on any wavelength so that we can then tap into it to heal our emotional hurts. Rose Quartz will support you if you are grieving for the loss of a loved one, or feeling the pain of a broken heart. It helps those who feel a sense of betrayal after the breakup of a relationship, assuages the discomfort of guilt if you perceive yourself to be responsible for someone else’s pain, and allows you to let go of painful emotional traumas, leaving only the lessons and the love. Rose Quartz should be your go-to crystal if you are struggling with low self-esteem or self-worth. Rose Quartz is excellent for females who suffer from the symptoms of PMS, heavy periods, menstrual cramps, and hormonal disturbances connected with the reproductive cycle.

The Louise


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