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Handmade wire earrings with raw Lapis Lazuli or Labradorite crystals dangling from brass or stelring silver wire

Wearing crystals is a very beneficial way for your body to absorb the energy that crystals hold. Each earring is uniquely handcrafted, the earring hooks are handmade with local materials. Each earring is crafted with the utmost care and I pick each crystal through my own intuition. I wire-bend each earring myself and cleanse all my crystals and charge them under the energy of the full moon. I use high quality materials and intuitively pick each crystal for every customer in my designs.


Lapis Lazuli Benefits

​Lapis lazuli eases pain, especially migraines. It benefits the respiratory and nervous systems. It heals the throat, larynx and thyroid. Lapis lazuli cleans organs, bone marrow, thymus and the immune system. It overcomes hearing loss, purifies blood, insomnia, vertigo and lowers blood pressure. Lapis Lazuli helps to identify the karmic roots of disease. It can be particularly helpful in identifying habitual thought patterns and emotions sabotaging the healing process. Lapis lazuli brings you objectivity and clarity and encourages creative thought. It helps you to confront truth where you find it and accept what it teaches. Lapis lazuli helps you to be able to express your own opinions and harmonizes conflicts. It teaches you the value of active listening.


Labradorite Benefits

Labradorite can help reveal the nature of ‘mystery illnesses.’ It can show the patterns that have created disease and can amplify healing thoughts and prayers. Labradorite is beneficial of general health of the eyes, nerves, brain, bones and spinal cord. This stone assists when you need to rebalance the distribution of chemicals in the brain. Labradorite relieves stress and regulates metabolism. It treats colds, gout, rheumatism, balances hormones, and relieves menstrual tension. Labradorite will lower blood pressure. It can help you become clearly aware of the source beliefs, self-talk and ego influence on your habitual emotional state. Labradorite guides you toward understanding your relationship with yourself. It also enables you to see through the various layers of your emotions It is ideal for when you are in the process of reinventing yourself.

Lapis Lazuli and Labradorite


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