Handmade wire earrings with raw black lava stones. Black lava stone can be used as an essential oil diffuser. An optional howlite crystal can be added to create a yin yang effect.
Wearing crystals is a very beneficial way for your body to absorb the energy that crystals hold. Each earring is uniquely handcrafted, the earring hooks are handmade with local materials. Each earring is crafted with the utmost care and I pick each crystal through my own intuition. I wire-bend each earring, cleanse all my crystals, and charge them under the energy of the full moon. I use high quality materials and intuitively pick each crystal for every customer in my designs.
Black Lava Stone Benefits
Lava stones are formed when volcanoes erupt, much like obsidian stones. The lava shoots out of a volcano and runs down its side. Once this incredibly hot liquid rock dries, it becomes a lava stone. Because of these processes, lava stone is considered to be a stone of rebirth. Many experts think it is the fiery strength of the volcano that formed them that leads to lava stones holding so many healing properties. Lava Stone is a grounding stone that strengthens one's connection to Mother Earth. It gives us strength and courage, allowing us stability through times of change. It provides guidance and understanding in situations where we may need to "bounce back". A calming stone, it is very useful in dissipating anger. These grounding effects can bring stability to the lava stone wearer’s life and can reduce their feelings of anxiety. It is thought this stability is due to the strong connection to the earth the lava stones possess.It promotes positive changes where needed in behavioral issues. Lava Stone enhances fertility. In addition, Lava Stone is a wonderful aromatherapy essential oil diffuser. Simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and enjoy the added therapeutic benefits it brings.
Yin Yang
Yinyang, the two complementary forces that make up all aspects and phenomena of life. Yin is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness, passivity, and absorption. It is present in even numbers, in valleys and streams, and is represented by the tiger, the color orange, and a broken line. Yang is conceived of as heaven, maleness, light, activity, and penetration. It is present in odd numbers, in mountains, and is represented by the dragon, the color azure, and an unbroken line. The two are both said to proceed from the Great Ultimate (taiji), their interplay on one another (as one increases the other decreases) being a description of the actual process of the universe and all that is in it. In harmony, the two are depicted as the light and dark halves of a circle. The concept of yinyang is associated in Chinese thought with the idea of the Five Phases (wuxing)—metal, wood, water, fire, and earth—both of these ideas lending substance to the characteristically Chinese belief in a cyclical theory of becoming and dissolution and interdependence between the world of nature and human events.
Howlite Benefits
It will give you the gift of wisdom and enlightenment. It can help you connect to higher realms and remove the veils that are blocking the truths in your life. Howlite is a great tool to have during meditation because it can help you focus your mind. It can promote serenity of the mind and remove any kind of distracting thought. It will help you get rid of your stress and anxiety because Howlite is also a powerful calming stone. This stone will also work in giving you the strength to let go of unhealthy attachments and old emotional pains. It can help you process your emotions so that they can give you peace, happiness, and contentment in all aspects of your life. Howlite is a wonder stone that can effectively calm your upset or harried state of mind. It can soften or remove your anger, your aggressiveness, and your being unreasonable. Howlite is a stone of awareness. Howlite will eliminate selfishness and thoughtlessness. It will help you stop being overly critical about yourself, too. Howlite can heighten your creativity and boost your desire for self-expression. It’s definitely a great stone to have if you’re seeking inspiration or motivation.
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